The Bet

Who is the chameleon, and why does author call him that?

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I see no evidence of a "chameleon" in the text of The Bet by Anton Chekov.

The police superrintendent is like a chameleon because he changes his attitude many time according to situation.A chameleon is specie which changes his colour according to situation.In the story the police superintendent Otchumyelov is compared with chameleon.The story starts with Hryukin running behind a dog.the Hryukin tells to the police superintendent that he had not done any thing to dog he was talking about firewood and at that time the dog came and bit on his finger.At that time police superintentendent was suppoorting Hryukin by saying that the owner of dog has to be found and he has a file report against them.After some time he cames to khnow that dog belongs tothe General Zhigalov's at that time the police superintendent supports general Zhigalov.He turns against Hryukin ans ask him to be very careful.Now the police officer said that it is not the general's dog when the police superintendent comes to know that again he supports Hryukin.He chnanges hus attitude according to situation.After some time he comes to know that its general's brother dog at that he agains turns againsts Hryukin .so we come to know that the police superintentent Otchumyelov is like chameleon because he chnge his attitude many time.