The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Why does Junior feel trapped between the Indian and white world?

How does Junior feel trapped between the Indian and white world, trapped between friends and enemies, and why does he feel like hes caught between the right and wrong side of the river

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Junior's main struggle over the course of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is between his cultural ties to the reservation and his ambitions to educate himself and achieve a better lifestyle than most of the members of his tribe. He faces resistance on all sides: Rowdy and many other people on the reservation call Junior a traitor, even turning their backs on him during a basketball game. Meanwhile, Junior's Reardan classmates either ignore him or torment him for being different. He does not feel as though he fits into either place, hence the title "Part-Time Indian." However, Junior eventually discovers that he does not have to mold himself into a preconceived notion of what an Indian or a white kid is supposed to be like. Many share his struggle, he realizes, and thinks to himself, "I might be a lonely Indian boy, but I [am] not alone in my loneliness" (217).

