The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

On page 194, junior states that "one play can change your momentum forever." How does this quote describe his life after the basketball game? When, in your own life, has "one play" changed everything after? Explain

On page 194, junior states that "one play can change your momentum forever." How does this quote describe his life after the basketball game? When, in your own life, has "one play" changed everything after? Explain

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Last updated by abdi a #1329569
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Junior finds a new sense of validation after his three point play. For once in his life, he is accepted by the main white social circles of high school. Jinior however feels ashamed that his new appreciation probably came at the expense of Rowdy. Arnold realizes that Rowdy's father will probably beat him up for losing the game.

On page 194, Junior states that “one play can change your momentum forever.” Describe this “one play”. How does this quote describe his life after the basketball game? Has “one play” in yourown life changed everything after? If so, what play (not necessarily a sport’s game)?