The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

I need help with this question, can you help me?

Would you consider Arnold/Junior to be a heroic character? Explain your answer by giving specific examples from the book to support your feelings.

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Last updated by Diego H #1193155
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I completely see Junior as a heroic character. Junior has grown up impoverished and surrounded by alcoholism. Yet Junior strives to pursue his education and transfers to Reardan, an affluent school with a mostly white student body. As a result, he suffers from extreme alienation both at his new school and on the reservation, leading him to question where he truly belongs. Junior navigates both hostile worlds with humility, humor, and empathy. People cannot help but be drawn to Junior!

Evaluate the relationships in this story. Which one has the potential to last the longest? Why do you think that? (Cite at least one specific example from the text to help explain your thoughts.)


The absolute true diary of a part time Indian