That Was Then, This is Now

chapter 7

1. What was Mr. Carlson's reaction to the news about his son? What did Cathy think?

2. Where did Bryon get a job? What did he change to keep it?

3. Describe Mark and Bryon's meeting with Angela. Retell the events in order. Tell why the
incident happened.

4. Bryon said he knew why everyone wanted to be Mark's friend. What was the reason?

5. How did Bryon find where M&M was?

6. Retell the story Mark told about his parents.

7. Bryon told Mark he couldn't help something. What was it?

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At the Carlsons’, Cathy and her father argue over M&M again. Mr. Carlson says that “M&M…is a sensible kid” (pg. 104), and Cathy cries, “Then why didn’t you ever tell him so?” (Pg. 105.) This is again an examination of how ineffective spoken words/communication can be. What Mr. Carlson says does not really reflect what he feels, and vice versa; what M&M perceives from Mr. Carlson’s words and general feelings is yet another layer of interpretation.

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