Chemistry: Atoms First (2nd Edition)

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 1305079248
ISBN 13: 978-1-30507-924-3

Chapter 5 - Review Questions - Page 240: 6


An empirical formula is the simplest positive integer ratio, and the molecular formula represents the real amount of atoms together in a molecule of this compound. If the real amount of atoms in a molecule are already the simplest positive integer ratio, which means that they cannot be divided to get lower integers, the empirical formula is equal to the molecular formula.

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For example: We find the empirical formula to be $C_2H_5O$ in an experiment. That means that the molecular formula of that same compound is $C_{2n}H_{5n}O_{n}$. Where "n" can be any integer; if it happens to be equal to 1, the empirical formula is equal to the molecular formula.
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