Chemistry 10th Edition

Published by Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
ISBN 10: 1133610668
ISBN 13: 978-1-13361-066-3

Chapter 20 - Ionic Equilibria III: The Solubility Product Principle - Exercises - Solubility Produce - Page 798: 5


A) $K_{sp}$=[$Mg^{2+}$]$\times$$[F^{-}]^{2}$ B)$K_{sp}$=[$Al^{3+}$]$\times$[$PO_{4}^{3-}$] C)$K_{sp}$=[$Cu^{2+}$]$\times$[$CO_{3}^{2-}$] D)$K_{sp}$=$[Ag^{+}]^{3}$$\times$[$PO_{4}^{3-}$]

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A) $K_{sp}$=[$Mg^{2+}$]$\times$$[F^{-}]^{2}$ B)$K_{sp}$=[$Al^{3+}$]$\times$[$PO_{4}^{3-}$] C)$K_{sp}$=[$Cu^{2+}$]$\times$[$CO_{3}^{2-}$] D)$K_{sp}$=$[Ag^{+}]^{3}$$\times$[$PO_{4}^{3-}$]
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