Intermediate Accounting (16th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118743202
ISBN 13: 978-1-11874-320-1

Chapter 24 - Full Disclosure in Financial Reporting - IFRS Insights - IFRS Concepts and Application - Page 1467: IFRS24-2


a. Since the note relates to a prior period, it is an adjusted subsequent event. b. The preference shares are unrelated to the previous period's financial statements; this is a non-adjusted event. c. The acquisition is unrelated to the activities that transpire before the date of the statement of financial position; the acquisition is a non-adjusted event. d. The flood’s destruction does not impact the situation of the financial statements; this is a non-adjusted event. e. The CEO’s demise is a non-accounting event that should not be adjusted in the financial statements. f. The additional wage-related costs must be adjusted since they impact the previous period's financial statement; the wages are adjusted for subsequent events. g. The income tax settlement is an adjusted subsequent event that impacts the previous period’s financial statement. h. Product mix changes are non-adjusted subsequent events that do not warrant changes in the previous financial statements.

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a. Since the note relates to a prior period, it is an adjusted subsequent event. b. The preference shares are unrelated to the previous period's financial statements; this is a non-adjusted event. c. The acquisition is unrelated to the activities that transpire before the date of the statement of financial position; the acquisition is a non-adjusted event. d. The flood’s destruction does not impact the situation of the financial statements; this is a non-adjusted event. e. The CEO’s demise is a non-accounting event that should not be adjusted in the financial statements. f. The additional wage-related costs must be adjusted since they impact the previous period's financial statement; the wages are adjusted for subsequent events. g. The income tax settlement is an adjusted subsequent event that impacts the previous period’s financial statement. h. Product mix changes are non-adjusted subsequent events that do not warrant changes in the previous financial statements.
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