
tangerine questions

1.what was the difference between the way erik and arthur reacted to mike costellos death when mrs fisher was around with the way they reacted when they were alone?

2. What happens that makes paul want to go to tangerine middle school instead of lake windsor middle school?

3.why does paul feel his parents care more about erik than about paul?

4.what are three things paul "sees" the truth about that no one else does?

5.whats the reason pauls parents gave him for why they lied about what happened to his eyes?

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1. Both Arthur and Erik are sociopaths: they deserve each other. Arthur and Erik try to hide their laughter in front of Paul's mother. A few minutes later, Paul sees Erik and Arthur in the backyard, laughing together mimicking Joey, saying "The shoes! Gimme the shoes!" They even laugh over how the lightning that struck Mike made his hair stand up: "He got Mohawked, man!"

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