A Tale of Two Cities

Why did Mr. Lorry know about the story of Lucie?

Why did Mr.lorry know about the story of lucie?

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Mr. Lorry has know Lucie since he carried her as an infant across the English Channel. Lucie has been raised as an orphan, and her financial affairs are managed by Tellson's Bank. The bank informed her that Mr. Lorry would accompany her on a journey to France--and that he was bringing surprising news. After Mr. Lorry accustoms himself to being in Lucie's presence, he manages to tell her that her French father (who had married an Englishwoman, who was Miss Manette's mother) was still alive in France. Recovered after years of imprisonment, her father is now living in the house of an old servant in Paris, and Mr. Lorry has come to take Lucie to her father, after which, they will secretly move him from France to England.


A Tale of Two Cities