When you set your novel in a California town called Ithaca and you give your characters names like Homer and Ulysses, you had better be making some sort of effort to tie your story in with the ancient myths of yore. Lots of writers have attempted...

The rise of Christianity from a small pack of wandering nonconformists to worldwide influence has not been kind to the literary traditions of cultures it gobbled up in its determined trek up through Europe in the first millennia. By the 1100s,...

The Magus is the first novel that John Fowles actually penned, although it would only be published after two subsequent efforts were completed. Fowles is perhaps most famous for later writing The French Lieutenant’s Woman. Anyone who has read that...

Angels and Demons (2000) is a mystery novel by Dan Brown who is well known for literary techniques that are well displayed in Angels and Demons, such as mysterious investigations into conspiracy theories and explorations in corrupt religious...

Isak Dinesen is a pen name of Baroness Karen Christenze von Blixen-Finecke, a Danish author who published under several other pseudonyms over the course of her career. Dinesen was multilingual and translated most of her own works--she wrote ...

The Tin Flute is a novel written by Gabrielle Roy. This work is her first novel, and it was published originally in French in 1945. It was originally named Bonheur D’occasion, which translates into chance, or secondhand happiness.

It was...

The Stone Carvers was written by Jane Urquhart and published in 2001. Urquhart’s works often include themes of art and the characters are often artists. In The Stone Carvers, the protagonist is not only an artist but also a woman whose name is...

"Pyramid of Bone" is a poem written by Thylias Moss and published in 1989. Most of Moss's poems discuss race and gender, but "Lessons From A Mirror", part of "Pyramid of Bone", discusses other sad aspects of life. The poem talks about what it is...

Judith Guest is an American novelist born in Detroit, Michigan in 1936. She studied English and psychology at the University of Michigan, and these two areas of study come heavily into play throughout her book, Ordinary People.

Guest’s novel...

On Chesil Beach is a novel written by Ian McEwan about the changes in society on an example of the newlyweds, who had married in the early 1960s, before the sexual revolution. The novel was published in Britain in 2007.

An English society of the...

My Sister's Keeperis a novel written by Jodi Picoult in 2004 and revolves around a 13-year old girl called Anna Fitzgerald who was born for the purpose of aiding her sister in her recovery from leukemia by donating cells and organs.


Monkeys, written by Susan Minot, was published in 1986. It takes place on the coast of New England. The Vincent children have all lived a neglected life, but as a family, they pull together to become one again. This narrative is about how they...

To fully appreciate the poetry of Mary Oliver, one needs to understand what drives her to compose verse. Fortunately, she has made this easy to accomplish by putting everything into succinct perspective: “I write poems for a stranger who will be...

Eva Hoffman was born Ewa Wydra in Krakow, Poland in 1945, just two months after the end of World War II. Her parents were Polish Jews who survived the Holocaust by escaping to Ukraine and hiding in a forest bunker, later being hidden for another...