Sputnik Sweetheart

How dream-like is the action in Chapters 7-11 of Sputnik Sweetheart?

How dream-like is the action in chapter 7-11 of Sputnik sweetheart

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The author depicts K's anxiety and uncertainty in the scene at the airport, as K drifts in and out of sleep: “The world had lost all sense of reality. Colors were unnatural, details crude” (84). As he thinks of Sumire: “fragments sprang to mind of the times and places we'd shared...Neither of us knew anything that really mattered...There was nothing solid we could depend on. We were nearly boundless zeros, just pitiful beings swept from one kind of oblivion to another” (84), evoking the image of what Sumire said earlier about feeling “left to drift in outer space” (63) like Sputnik.


Sputnik Sweetheart