
Why does Melinda admire Doctors?

When melinda is in the cafeteria at the hospital, Melinda admires the doctors looking professional. Why?

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This is the only reference I can find regarding doctors in the hospital cafeteria. I don't, however, see admiration.

The cafeteria is cool. Huge. Full of people wearing doctor nurse clothes with college-degree posture and beepers . I always thought hospital people would be real health nuts, but these guys eat junk food like it's going out of style. Big piles of nachos, cheeseburgers as wide as plates, cherry pie, potato chips, all th e good stuff. One lone cafeteria worker named Lola stands by the steamed-fish and onion tray. I feel bad for her, so I buy the fish platter. I also buy a plate of mashed potatoes and gravy and a yogurt. I find a se t next to a table of serious, frowning, silver-haired men who use words so long I'm surprised they don't choke. Very official. Nice to hang around people who sound like they know what they're doing.

