

who are racheal and heather . how does each features melinda life . how does melinda view each if them

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Heather is Melinda’s first friend in the ninth grade. Heather has just moved from Ohio and like Melinda, does not have any friends when she begins high school. Heather is self-absorbed and obsessed with integrating herself into the social scene. She joins a clan known as “the Marthas” but does not fit in well. She becomes the leaders’ minion, not their friend. She dumps Melinda as a friend because she believes Melinda is hurting her social reputation. However, it is clear by the end of the novel that Melinda, not Heather, will be able to grow and successfully pursue friendships sophomore year.

Also known as Rachelle or Rachel/Rachelle, Rachel is Melinda’s former best friend. Rachel hates Melinda after Melinda calls the police at a summer party to which Rachel’s brother had brought them. Rachel begins spending time with the foreign exchange students and changes her looks, her attitude, and her name to Rachelle. In the spring, she starts dating Andy Evans, and Melinda tries to warn her of the danger of being with him. Rachel is the first person Melinda tells about the rape. Although Rachel seems at first to not believe Melinda, she publicly leaves Andy at prom because of it. She reaches out to Melinda at the end of the novel.