Some Like it Hot

Give some examples of Jerry and Joe's behavior and character before their "transformation."

I need Aslan to answer this please.

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Joe is Jerry’s best friend, a tenor saxophone player who uses his considerable charm to manipulate women (and Jerry) into doing whatever he wants. At the start, Jerry is staring at the women in the chorus line at the speakeasy, and in contrast to Jerry's dental concerns, wants to spend his paycheck gambling at the dog races. He is not always the most practical man, but he is proactive and crafty. "Josephine" is Joe’s alter ego when they join the all-girl band. "Josephine" is quite a lady, somewhat stand-off-ish and not as playful as Jerry's "Daphne." As "Josephine," Joe becomes one of Sugar's main confidant, a kind of wiser older sister to Sugar's naive romantic. Josephine isn't as manipulative and self-serving as her male identity Joe.