She Stoops to Conquer

the use of dramatic irony in She stoops to conquer

She Stoops to Conquer is a master piece in using dramatic irony .Explain

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The play is a masterpiece of dramatic irony, which is a device where the audience has information and knowledge that the characters do not. From the moment Tony plays the practical joke on Marlow and Hastings, the audience learns secrets that will grow more complicated and hence create confusion that leads to hilarious situations. The best example is perhaps the way Marlow and Hastings treat Hardcastle, because they think him a landlord. Because we understand the details of the confusions, we understand the jokes whereas the characters only grow more offended. However, the behavior wrought by the dramatic irony reveals much of Goldsmith's view on humanity and class. The same example listed above is funny, but also shows the cruelty that comes from a rich man's entitlement. Throughout the play, much of the class commentary derives from the behaviors people show when they don’t' realize they are being judged. Kate exploits this to try and find out what kind of person Marlow actually is.


Dramatic irony in a play is when the audience have knowledge of what is happening while the characters in the play do not. In 'She stoops to conquer' the audiences are aware that Marlow and Hastings are in the house of Mr. Hardcastle while they are told the house is some miles away.


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She stoops to conquer