Sense and Sensibility

Describe the scene in which edward is faced with both Elinor and Lucy. How does Marianna act toward Edward?

Chapter 13 in volume 2

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Chapter 35 Summary:

Elinor wishes no connection with Mrs. Ferrars after seeing her rudeness, and is somewhat glad that because she cannot marry Edward, she will never have to suffer Mrs. Ferrars' company. Lucy is overjoyed at the greater civility with which Mrs. Ferrars treated her, though this "civility" amounted to little more than not insulting Lucy. Lucy comes over to speak with Elinor, which annoys Elinor; unfortunately, Edward calls while Lucy is still there, which creates a very awkward situation among the group. Elinor recovers herself and dutifully plays the hostess, though Lucy watches her like a hawk. Elinor leaves them to fetch Marianne; Marianne is exceptionally happy to see him, since she thinks his visit will please her sister. Edward soon decides to leave, and Lucy soon follows. Marianne is upset at her sister for showing little affection for Edward while he was there, but Elinor knows how little she could say to him, with jealous Lucy sitting right there.


If Lucy seemed merely jealous before, here she exposes a more vicious side; she comes to Elinor to gloat over what she sees as her success with Mrs. Ferrars, and to rejoice in being in Edward's company a great deal in the near future. Lucy may be silly and without sense, but she is rather conniving as well; she abuses her acquaintance with Elinor to try and win out over her by making Elinor jealous. There is a great deal of dramatic irony in the scene with Edward and the three women; Edward does not know that Elinor is aware of the engagement, and so feels guilty and falls silent. Marianne believes that Edward loves only Elinor, and so discounts Lucy and tries to encourage Edward and Elinor. And Lucy has absolutely no idea that Edward, if he were free to choose, would choose Elinor over her; although she is jealous, she is also arrogantly assured of being foremost in Edward's affections.
