
Hina and her supervisor conversation.

What does the correspondence between Ms. Hina and her supervisor suggest about differences in neighborhood, perspective, understanding and what does it tell us of bias?

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Hina's supervisor, Jane Fulton, often discriminates against her for wearing a hijab and displays a meddlesome, holier-than-thou attitude about Hina and her job performance even though it is abundantly clear to the reader that Hina is deeply invested in the center's community and is more than qualified for her job.

Jane's conversations with Hina aren't really conversations.... the two only communicate via her email. Through her emails, however, we come to see Jane as rather fake, self-assured, and holier-than-thou. She is full of excessive "thank you's" and "let's get together for coffee and talk about this"; at the same time, she makes subtle accusations about Hina's comprehension of her job description and seems to want her to go above and beyond without compensation. When she criticizes Hina's choice to take a mental health day after Laura's death, suggesting that it is unprofessional, Hina contacts her union representative and Jane is removed from the position.

