
Does anyone know of a quote that proves that Clive is gay?

I was wondering if anyone knew if there is a specific quote proving Clive's hidden sexuality.

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When he was out of my vision, my throat let out a sharp sob. I stifled it. I knew I wasn't speaking just to him but the ghosts of my past. Clive, 155

We do not get to know Clive too well, but we do get a brief insight into this seemingly staid and upright man's inner life. He is a closeted homosexual who seeks fulfillment of his desires in clandestine encounters, and he has "ghosts" in his past that seem to have to do with the sharp advice he gave Cory on being a better father. Again, while we do not know exactly what he is referring to, we realize that Clive is yet another character that has struggled, tried to figure out who he really is, and tried to parent while not knowing exactly how to do so.

