
Ten adjectives that describe Charlie with evidence as to why these adjectives fit.

ten adjectives that describe Charlie with evidence as to why these adjectives fit.

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"To be poor was to be cold. The two were the same."

Destitute, Grieving;

"Even in death, the poor were denied the luxury of grieving"


"...when good fortune came knocking at your door, you had little choice but to grab it by the scruff of the neck and keep your trap firmly shut."


"I realized what it was I loved about working for Squizzy Taylor. It was more than just the money. It was the power I loved as well."


He had given me the boots as I sat for the last time on his bed and listened to the wheeze and crackle in his chest. After all those years, that was all he had to give.


'I miss him Charlie,' she whispered
'Me too, Ma. Me too.'


Like the other boys, I still wore knickerbockers in the school yard. I played 'queenie' and marbles, too. But once the lessons were over, I returned home and stepped into the long pants of adulthood.


It would take a lifetime to repay the Redmonds for all their kindness.


The street was my classroom now and I was a student eager to learn.

