
taking a class about character connections in this book. any important character details that need to be included?

i need to analyse how characters impact charlie feehan and the decisions that he makes in this book. i'm trying to find influences (both pos and neg) on the way he thinks, are there any pieces of information that are the most impactful to him?

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Alice Cornwall- She makes Charlie aware that the people he's collecting debt from are also people like Charlie and his family, they are also sturggling financially or going through difficult times in life. Pg 114 bottom, " During the city runs, I’d been able to distance myself from Squizzy’s debtors. To me they were simply names on a list.

But now, after my meeting with the Cornwalls, I realized that these people were more than just names. They were real people, desperate people––people with families, people just like Ma and me."