

How do the time ,place , and economics status of the characters impact the events of the novel?

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The setting of the novel, Rules, is modern times. The location is a coastal, beach community on the ocean.... a vacationing spot where familes spend their summers, younger characters are out of school, and friends are often left behind in the real world. The setting itself is not indicative to the plot in terms of the year, and as such, the story is timeless. The location, however, sets the stage for Catherine's adventure. She is with her family, a bit lonely without her best friend, and yet, able to spend a great deal of time with her brother and to experience his life..... his therapies. The fact that she is with her brother also opens Catherine up to new friendships. Namely, Jason. David's condition, autism, draws attention, but not in the way it would have had the novel been set in an earlier time.

