Romeo and Juliet

Why do you believe he is so invested in keeping these two characters together? Juliet seems to trust him completely and is willing to go along with a pretty scary plan in this Act. Why is she so willing to trust him? Do you think she is wise to follow his

In “Falling Action,” the characters try desperately to deal with the problems that occur as a result of the action taken during the crisis or turning point. Unfortunately, each action seems to only lock the characters deeper and deeper into disaster, and with each event, we see the characters falling straight into tragedy.It could be argued that of all the characters, Friar Lawrence seems to be the one who works the hardest to make things work out for Romeo and Juliet. He keeps coming up with plans or schemes to help the two characters overcome their relationship challenges. Juliet seems to trust him completely and is willing to go along with a pretty scary plan in this Act.
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I think the Friar has good intentions, but that he hasn't fully thought out his plans. He is cautious, and yet, he is a romantic. Juliet is willing to go along with most anything that will result in a reunion and life with Romeo. She is a mere girl, the Friar is an adult. Rather than filling her head with questionable plans, he should be counseling her.... possibly making her parents aware of the fact that she is already married, instead of outwardly arranging her marriage to Paris, after he has already presided over her marriage to Romeo. Juliet is young, impetuous, naive, and unwise. This, of course, is my opinion.


Romeo and Juliet