Romeo and Juliet

Act IV: scene iii (question in details)

Act IV: scene iii

1. Why does Juliet ask the Nurse to stay with Lady Capulet this night?

2. What is the hidden meaning behind Juliet’s line, “Farewell. God knows when we shall meet again”?

3. Why does Juliet place a dagger next to her?

4. Juliet is afraid that the Friar might be trying to poison her. Why does she have this fear?

5. Reread her soliloquy in lines 30-54 (“How if… desperate brains?”). What are three other fears she expresses about the potion?

6. What does she think she “sees”?

7. What finally causes Juliet to drink the potion?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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1. Juliet plans to take the potion and fake her own death. Thus, she wants Nurse out of the way. Juliet also has a knife nearby.... just in case the potion doesn't work, at which time, she plans to take her own life.

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Romeo and Juliet