Romeo and Juliet

Act IV: scene i: Lines 93-106 (“Take thou this vial… a pleasant sleep”) explain the effect Friar Laurence’s potion will have on its drinker. Explain what will happen to Juliet when she takes the potion.

Act IV: scene i: Lines 93-106 (“Take thou this vial… a pleasant sleep”) explain the effect Friar Laurence’s potion will have on its drinker. Explain what will happen to Juliet when she takes the potion.

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In this scene, the Friar tells Juliet that he will provide her with a special potion, which will effectively kill her for 48 hours; she will exhibit no signs of life. Following their family tradition, her parents will place her body in the Capulet vault. Meanwhile, Friar Laurence will send a letter to Romeo, instructing him of the plan so that the boy can meet Juliet in the tomb and then lead her away from Verona. Juliet approves of the plan.


Romeo and Juliet