Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

What happened on the way home

Explain what happens on the way home in chapter 10

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In the boys' room, at first Stacey will not say what happened but finally tells the other children that on the way back from Vicksburg, the back wheels fell off the wagon, probably a trick played by some boys he saw standing near it in town. Rather than unload everything, Stacey held the horse still while Mr. Morrison held up the back of the wagon and Papa attached the wheel. A truck with its lights off approached them from behind, and they didn't hear it because of the storm. It suddenly turned on its lights, Papa grabbed his shotgun, and someone in the truck shot Papa, grazing his temple. The horse reared up and the wagon rolled over Papa's leg. Papa told Stacey to hide in the gully. The men shot at and missed Mr. Morrison, who threw one of them to the ground and fought with the other two. Badly injured, the men drove off. Mr. Morrison put the wheel on and they came home.