Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

What can you infer about Cassie’s mom got fired?

Roll of Thunder,Hear my Cry

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We can infer that Mrs. Logan was fired for her participation in organizing the boycott.


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

For one thing, TJ told the Grangers and Wallaces about how bad she was, and exaggerated about how bad she was. This made the Grangers come take a visit.

It just so happened that the day they came to watch the lesson, Ms. Logan was teaching about a subject that wasn't in the book of what to teach. Slavery. This angered the Grangers very much and they fired her.

We can infer that there are multiple reasons why. For one, TJ failed a test and got failed by Ms. Logan. So he went up to the walaces and started complaining to them. He then started telling them about the things she was teaching, and how she was doing things that she wasn't supposed to do. He of course didn't tell the entire truth. Mr. Granger then came over for a vist and she was teaching something they didn't want taught. Slavery. So after the class Ms. Logan was fired

The other part we can infer is that the wallaces could have also tried to attack the family since they were mad that they were tring to boycott the wallaces store. They did this by firing Ms. Logan so then they wouldn't be able to pay bills and such as well.