Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

What attitude do Mama and Big Ma have toward the kids’ trouble with the school bus and resentment about not having their own school bus—what advice do they give the kids?

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From the text:

Big Ma was not one for coddling any of us, but now she turned from the stove and, wiping her hands on her long white apron, sat down on the bench and put her arm around Little Man. 'Now, look here, baby, it ain't the end of the world. Lord. child. don't you know one day the sun'll shine again and you won't get muddy no more !'

'But. Big Ma.' Little Man protested. 'ifn that ole bus driver would slow down, I wouldn't get muddy!' Then he frowned deeply and added, 'Or ifn we had a bus like theirs.'

'Well. he don't and you don't,' Big Ma said, getting up. 'So ain't no use frettin' 'bout it. One day you'll have a plenty of clothes and maybe even a car of yo' own to ride 'round in, so don't you pay no mind to them ignorant white folks. You jus' keep on studyin' and get yo'self a good education and you'll be all right. Now. go on and wash out yo' clothes and hang 'em by the fire so's I can iron 'em 'fore I go to bed.'


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry