Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

  1. Why did the police not intervene when they were told about burnings and lynchings? Explain.
  2. By what season is most of the cotton picked? Why do students tend to drop out of school or not attend?
  3. What were the months for going to school in the passage?
  4. Why didn’t the black students have a bus?
  5. Describe Great Faith School and how it was arranged? How did the students know how much time they had left to get to school?
  6. Why did dad bring home Mr. L.T. Morrison? Why was Mr. Morrison fired?
  7. Who confronted T.J. Avery for going to the Wallace’s store and what happened as a result?
  8. Compare and contrast Jefferson Davis County School and Great Faith Elementary and Secondary School?
  9. What is the Roll of Thunder?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Most of the cotton is picked by the fall. The school term was adjusted accordingly.

Because the students were needed in the fields from early spring when the cotton was planted until after most of the cotton had been picked in the fall, the school adjusted its terms accordingly, beginning in October and dismissing in March. But even so, after today a number of the older students would not be seen again for a month or two, not until the last puff of cotton had been gleaned from the fields, and eventually most would drop out of school altogether.

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Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry