Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Explain why the children wear their Sunday clothes to school. What must they do with there clothes when they get home

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The children were wearing their Sunday clothes for the first day of school. When they get home, the children will wrap their clothes in newspaper and hang them up until Sunday.

Tonight the Sunday clothes would be wrapped in newspaper and hung for Sunday and the shoes would be packed away to be brought out again only when the weather turned so cold that bare feet could no longer traverse the frozen roads; but for today we all suffered.

Taylor, Mildred D.. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Puffin Modern Classics) (Logans Book 4) (p. 17). Penguin Young Readers Group. Kindle Edition.


Taylor, Mildred D.. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Puffin Modern Classics) (Logans Book 4) (p. 17). Penguin Young Readers Group. Kindle Edition.