Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Discussion Prompt: Why do the bus driver and white students experience no repercussions regarding their treatment of the Logan children? What does this tell you about life in the Jim Crow South? What do you think the Logans’ response should be, considerin

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The people on the bus are all white. This shows how many people are separated by their skin color. I think they shouldn't say nothing because the white people are still gonna get more rights and if they do speak up the white people will probably harass them.

There should be repercussions, but the white students and driver seem to be able to do whatever they like. Life in the Jim Crow South was difficult, and made even moreso by whites who believed themselves to be superior and by laws that kept blacks down.

The last part of your question calls for your opinion. How do you think the Logans should have responded to the racism they faced each and every day.


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry