Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Describe Little Man. What is his personality like What is his first reaction to the book he is given? After ge decides to accept it and opens it, what further reaction does he have? Why? (5)

chapter 1roll of thumder hear my cry

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I can make a general comment. The youngest Logan, Little Man at six is fanatically neat. He hates dust on his clothes, and he is the Logan child most affected by their daily feud with the school bus. Cassie is perhaps more offended by the worn, tattered schoolbooks on Little Man's behalf, than on her own. We see in Little Man the innocence of childhood. He hasn't yet been exposed to racism enough to accept it. Little Man always folds or hangs his clothes neatly. When he receives a copy of Aesop's Fables for Christmas, he immediately protects the cover with brown paper.