Road to Chlifa

Copy one sentence from the story that shows clearly that Karim felt others thought he was like an animal.

This is between pages 11-13.

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This is acctually from Pascale but Karim feels the same way:

Those big blocks don't exist. What does exist are unique individuals who shouldn't be judged before you get to know them. In my case, I demand the right to be me and not some curiosity or ethnic specimen.

In this passage, Pascale, one of Karim's classmates Montreal, monologues about the racial prejudice she has encountered in Quebec. In this speech, which directly addresses the book's thematic preoccupation with racism, she advocates for seeing people as individuals with unique personalities rather than as members of blocks of people who all think and act in the same way. She also doesn't want to be tokenized or patronized by people who look to her as an expert on Haitian culture.