Red Scarf Girl

How do the Red guards in Red Scarf Girl put fear in Ji-Li?

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Ji-Li is punished when she refuses to give evidence against her father. When her punishment time is up, she is allowed to return home, but when she does she learns that her mother has written a letter of complaint to the government. All of Ji-Li's experiences tell her that this is not something that will be well received; Communism does not allow for complaints. The Red Guards come to the house and find the letter, also beating up Ji-Li's grandmother. Ji-Li is now in charge of the family. She is ordered to work as a street-sweeper, and almost all of the family's possessions are stolen by the government. Ji-Li is depressed, but now, opposed to the revolution, is able to focus on getting through each day, working for the good of her family, and knowing that family is what is really important in life because without each other they have nothing.


The Red Scarf Girl