Ready Player One

How does Ernest Cline find a balance between the future and the past in Ready Player One?

Ready Player One is a contemporary science fiction novel, set in the year 2045. The future is one of extreme technological progress and realistic, immersive virtual reality, but also one rooted in the past. The society that Cline describes is obsessed with the 1980s. This has interesting implications for understanding life in 2045, as well as for remembering life in the 1980s.

How does Ernest Cline find a balance between the future and the past in Ready Player One?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Ready Player One is a contemporary science fiction novel, set in the year 2045. The future is one of extreme technological progress and realistic, immersive virtual reality, but also one rooted in the past. The society that Cline describes is obsessed with the 1980s. This has interesting implications for understanding life in 2045, as well as for remembering life in the 1980s.

