Purple Hibiscus

How do Jaja and Kambili feel about the military coup in Chapter 2?

How does Jaja and Kambili feel about the military coup in Chapter 2?

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In Chapter Two, the family plays chess and listens to the radio. A general comes on air and declares that a new coup has been carried out in Nigeria. The new head of state will be revealed the following day. Papa excuses himself to call Ade Coker, editor of the paper that Papa publishes. When he returns, Papa tells his family he is uneasy about the coup. In the 1960s, a cycle of bloody coups led to civil war. Military men will always violently overthrow other military men, he says.

Jaja and Kambili support their father. Jaja notes that naming a president is is the wrong term, as presidents are elected, and the term "head of state" should have been used. Kambili, knowing it would make his father happy, says "God will deliver us."


Purple Hibiscus