Pudd'nhead Wilson

WHat is the courtroom's response when wilson brings out his fingerprint materials

WHat is the courtroom's response when wilson brings out his fingerprint materials Chapter21

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Pudd'nhead then proceeds to explain the science of fingerprinting to the court. He states that fingerprints provide a personal "autograph" that can consistently identify a person throughout his or her lifetime. To demonstrate the accuracy of this science, Wilson has a number of town citizens - including Angelo and Luigi - press their fingers to the window while he is not looking. He then correctly matches the prints to their respective owners. To assure the audience that this was not merely luck, Wilson performs the feat a second time. With the courtroom now hanging intently on his every word, Wilson uses his enlarged prints to prove that the bloody fingerprints on the murder weapon do not even resemble those of the twins. This earns Wilson a thunderous crash of applause

