Pudd'nhead Wilson

Roxy has a knife. What are the two things that she says she will do with it?

Roxy has a knife. What are the two things that she says she will do with it? Chapter 18

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From the text: You see dis knife? I's toted it aroun' sence de day I seed dat man en bought dese clo'es en it. If he ketch me, I's gwine to kill myself wid it. Now start along, en go sof', en lead de way; en if you gives a sign in dis house, or if anybody comes up to you in de street, I's gwine to jam it right into you. Chambers, does you b'lieve me when I says dat?"
Roxy says that if she's caught, she will kill herself with the knife, but if Tom gives away the secret of her presence.... she'll "jam" it into his belly. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Pudd'nhead Wilson