
List 10 elements of Art Direction (set design, props, costumes, make-up, etc) that you notice throughout the movie. Then, choose 5 and explain their significance or symbolism.


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I'm sorry, this is a short-answer forum desogned for text specific questions. Below you will find specific examples of what you can use in completing your project. These examples are taken straight from the screenplay.



A college counselor stands at the Podium lecturing the high

school seniors about their future.

• 1958.

Birds are chirping. The sun is shining. All the hedges are neatly pruned and the lawns are perfectly manicured. A sweet stillness hangs over the SUBURBAN STREET, which is bathed in beautiful BLACK AND WHITE.


GEORGE PARKER enters the front door and hangs his hat on the coatrack. He sets his briefcase down and moves into the foyer with a huge smile on his face. It's a frozen smile that doesn't seem to be affected by too much in particular--like a tour guide at Disneyland.

Costumes/ Make-up

MRS. GEORGE PARKER (BETTY) enters, untying the back of her apron. She is a vision of '50s beauty with a thin figure and concrete hair. Betty crosses to her husband and hands him a fresh martini. She kisses him on the cheek.

