
I want to know how sophocles brings about the psychological conditions of the charactors he created for his play, philoctetes,to make it a tragedy of contrasting emotions

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Philoctetes as a character is the representation of suffering. As an old satyr, he is no stranger to experience. In fact Philoctetes has a pain in his foot which he has long since stopped believing could heal. He accepts that this pain is his to bear, although it detracts from his energy. For example he cannot teach Neoptolemus about Heracles' bow because he is caught by a fit of intense pain. He misses some opportunities, but he doesn't complain. Philoctetes' experience has taught him gratitude in the midst of pain so that, despite his personal suffering, he does help Odysseus and Neoptolemus. His sacrificial journey to Troy is eventually rewarded by the healing of this incurable wound.