Peace Like a River

What quotes in the book do you think represent Swede's developing maturity throughout the book?

What quotes by Swede show her growing maturity and ability to understand her family's situation.

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"Swede said another thing, too, and it rang in me like a bell: No miracle happens without a witness. Someone to declare, Here's what I saw. Here's how it went. Make of it what you will." (page 3)

'In Little Women,' she said - see? - 'when Jo cut off her hair and sold it to pay for Marmee's train fare - you remember?' Well, of course I remembered. After the shearing Jo had gone home and stunned them all with her sacrificial present, the profit from her bounteous hair, her one beauty, as her sisters backhandedly put it. 'If Marmee had begged Jo to go cut off her hair and sell it,' Swede hypothesized, 'I wonder how heroic a thing it would have been.' I didn't say anything. But I thought: Aw, crumb." (page 123)

"It seemed like she never asked a question to which I had an answer." (page 172)

"And this, Swede said, brought a great smile to Davy's face, and in that smile the Shultzes saw the truth, that turning himself in would be the very last thing Davy would do in his life, however long it lasted." (page 140)


Peace Like a River