Paul Revere's Ride

Longfellow uses the word tread twice in the poem. “Tread” has a number of denotative meanings, including “to walk; to crush; to step on or through; to step across something; to trample.” Sometimes the relationship between words can help readers understand

Longfellow uses the word tread twice in the poem. “Tread” has a number of denotative meanings, including “to walk; to crush; to step on or through; to step across something; to trample.” Sometimes the relationship between words can help readers understand the word’s denotative and connotative meanings. In the fifth stanza, how does the adjective stealthy help define the word tread in line 32, and what kind of connotative meaning does it give the word the way it is used in the poem?

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In context, the word "stealthy" means cautiously. To cautiously tread is to walk with caution.