Parallel Journeys

What analogy is made in these two paragraphs, and why? Answer choices for the above question A. An analogy is made between the unruly behavior of people on Kristallnacht and the noisy and confused behavior that can be found in a circus, because the even

It was horribly brutal, but at the same time very exciting to us kids. “Let’s go in and smash some stuff,” urged my buddy Helmut. With shining eyes, he bent down, picked up a rock and fired it toward one of the windows. I don’t know if I would have done the same thing seconds later, but at that moment my Uncle Franz grabbed both of us by the neck, turned us around and kicked us in the seat of the pants. “Get home, you two Schweinhunde,” he yelled. “What do you think this is, some sort of circus?”

Indeed, it was like a beastly, bizarre circus of evil. All across Germany the scene was the same. Terror rained down upon the Jews as Nazis took to the streets with axes, hammers, grenades, and guns. According to reports from high Nazi officials, some 20,000 Jews were arrested, 36 killed, and another 36 seriously injured. Thousands of Jews were hauled to concentration camps during Kristallnacht. There many died or were beaten severely by Nazi guards who used this chance to take revenge on a hated people.

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