One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

in chapter 1 how is nurse Ratched translated into monstrosity? Who does she inspire fear in?

In chapter 1 how is nurse Ratched translated into monstrosity? Who does she inspire fear in?

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Nurse Ratched (also known as Big Nurse) enters, her lips and her fingernails both an odd orange. She carries a woven wicker bag filled with pills, needles, wire, and forceps. She moves with precise, automatic gestures, her face at once determined and calculated, but she cannot seem to hide her large breasts, which seem incongruous with the rest of her body and disposition. Ruthless and mechanical, she orders the black boys to shave Chief Bromden, who quickly hides in terror. While hiding, he thinks about his father and growing up on the banks of the Columbia River. Soon, one of the boys finds him, and they start to shave him. Terrified, the Chief hallucinates that an Air Raid has begun in the ward and that a thick fog begins to overwhelm him.