One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

how does Mcmurphy manipulate spivey?

how does mcmurphy manipulate spivey?

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Seen as rather spineless Dr. Spivey discovers he went to the same high school as Mcmurphy. Dr. Spivey finds he is able to assert his own power by siding with Mcmurphy. This is how Mcmurphy is able to manipulate him. Dr. Spivey has power in the ward that McMurphy hopes to redirect against Ratched and in favor of McMurphy’s desires and the needs of the men. Once McMurphy finds that his proposals will be immediately dismissed, he manipulates the system by using Dr. Spivey. Nurse Ratched is of course infuriated by what it means that Dr. Spivey can talk separately with McMurphy and work with him to make decisions for the ward. This more subtle uprising, the passive-aggressiveness that McMurphy succeeds with, opens a crack in her steel facade.


He manipulates him in a number of ways, but the biggest reason is to get under Ratched's skin. Spivey believes him to have feigned insanity to get out of a work detail; he then talks Spivey into opening a game room, the fishing trip ect. Spivey is actually a pretty good guy; Ratched runs the place, but Spive is easily convinced to help out with the things that irritate her, so I'm not really quite sure that it can be considered manipulation.


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest