Of Mice and Men

Help!!!!Lennie;mental retardation

Uh..? What kind of Intellectual disabilities does Lennie have?

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He is retarded.

Thank you!!!!! do you think Boo Radley from "To kill a mocking bird " is also mently retarted?

Absolutely not.

Another phrase for "mentally retarded" is "cognitively disabled".

Lennie isnt 'retarded'. He is just a late bloomer, well hes never going to bloom. He obviously had a terrible up-bringing in which people took advantage of his 'dull' nature.

dan you dont know what you're on about.

how can someone be a late bloomer and then not bloom at all?

you do not know anything of lennies background or where he came from. he is not being taken advantage of george genuinely is in love with lennie.

late bloomer? he is about 40, he is just autistic, i thought that was obvious

dan you dont know what you're on about.

how can someone be a late bloomer and then not bloom at all?

you do not know anything of lennies background or where he came from. he is not being taken advantage of george genuinely is in love with lennie.

I agree with Ellie, Lennie is well loved by his good friend George. Lennie just lacks social skills and is a bit "slow".

NO! Lennie is just special, people should beable to be special without being questioned ! or being called mentaly retarded ! there's nothing wrong with being different !

He is not 'in love' with him Ellie! And i think you'll find in the book if you actually read it that Lennie as a child was taken advantage of by the other children and they used to take advantage of him doing whatever they say, merkle.