Of Mice and Men

Chapter 4

does crooks appreciate having lennie and candy invade his private living space? you must explain your answer fully with a quotation from the novel to back it up.

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No, Crooks resents their appearance in his rooms, as he is not allowed in the bunkhouse.

Crooks said sharply, "You got no right to come in my room. This here's my room. Nobody got any right in here but me."


Of Mice and Men

Yes and no. He enjoys the company because he has such a severe lack of it. When George was making Lennie and Candy leave, he asked Crooks why he didn’t kick them out. He said, “‘I di’n’t care much’” (Steinbeck 82). He might’ve been annoyed at first, but he needed the company and eventually warmed up to it.


Of Mice and Men