Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King

What is Oedipus’ Explanation of his past? (100-103)

He has a big paragraph like almost the end i think the bottom of pag 102 can someone please explain to me his past ina simplier way?

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Oedipus tells the priest that he has sent Creon to the temple of Apollo to glean from the gods how the city might be saved. Creon then arrives and announces the command from the Oracle: “Drive out a pollution…. Grown ingrained within the land” (98-9) - namely the murderer of Laius.

“Where would a trace / of this old crime be found?” Oedipus asks – Laius was murdered many years ago (108-9). Creon speaks with a messenger who fled in terror from the roadside where Laius was killed. This messenger, in turn, reveals that

…the robbers they encountered
were many and the hands that did the murder
were many; it was no man’s single power.