Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King

The World of Oedipus is the playing field two competing forces; the law of the king and the power of prophecy." Discuss.

How is the world a playing felid of two competing forces? the law of the king and the prophecy

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The origins of this play in the Oedipus myth (see 'Oedipus and Myth') create an compelling question about foreknowledge and expectation. The audience who knew the myth would know from the start far more than Oedipus himself - hence a strong example of dramatic irony. Moreover, one of the themes the play considers as a corollary is whether or not you can escape your fate. In trying to murder her son, Jocasta finds him reborn as her husband. Running from Corinth, from his parents, Oedipus murders his father on the way. It seems that running away from one's fate ultimately ensures that one is only running towards it.

In oedipus king we see two forces comepting with each other :the law of king and the power of prophecy where at the end power of prohecy was the dominating one .Basically the whole story is based on prophecies ,key prophecies we see here are Lauis will be killed by his son,Oedipus will marry her mother,and oedipus will be blind . he played his role well in making all the prophecies come true as he was hubris and curious about death of king lauis which led to fulfillment of all the prophecies.now when we talk about law of king,oedipus was curious to know truth ,egositic and arrogent he wanted to know the actual reason behind the murder of king lauis and as he solved the riddle of sphinx he got this one too but the result was unpleasant as he unfolded truth and got to know that all the prophecies were fulfille,.this also shows that fate and phohecies played a major role in life of oedipus rex . law of king and prophecies were related to each other which led to the same thing at the end which was nothing but ache and a person born with terrible fate.