Number the Stars

In number the stars, what character strength did Annemarie demonstrate? (with clue) plsssssssssss!

Hey, everyone, this is my presentation question, confusing me over weeks. Help me:( !!!! thx everyone!

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Annemarie has begun to grow up, forced by circumstances to receive a crash course on the ways of war. She is old enough to feel a need to take part in her own destiny, no longer content to leave everything in her parents' hands. She attempts to piece together the puzzle of what's really going on in her family. The mystery would tempt any young girl, as she becomes part of the secret plan that the Danish Resistance movement intends to use to spirit her Jewish friend out of the country.

The plot involves secrecy, and Annemarie is initially irritated that her family withholds the truth from her. However, by the end of the book, she's learned the value of discretion as she herself begins taking on more adult roles. Though she perhaps overdoes it, she begins to protect both Ellen, her Jewish friend, and Kirsti, Annemarie's little sister, from learning more about the dangers they face. She also becomes directly involved in the rescue effort when her mother is incapacitated. By standing in for her mother during a rescue operation, she earns herself a place at the adult's table with her brave contribution to the war effort. World War II, left many young people with no choice other than to grow up too soon and face the harsh realities their parents would have loved to protect them from. As this little girl finds within herself the courage to help her friend survive, she exchanges innocence for wisdom, and facts for truth.